Christian Toouli

San Francisco Bay Area ·

I have recently graduated from UCSD with a bachelors degree in Economics and minor in Computer Science. I am currently working on blockchain related research at the San Diego Supercomputer Center



San Diego Supercomputer Center

• Conducting research in Blockchain and DLT technologies and their business applications
• Utilizing machine learning to detect malicious nodes/users on a blockchain network
• Creating, automating and testing large scale ethereum networks

September 2019 - Present

Software Engineer Intern

American Express

Blockchain Digital Labs
• Developed, implemented and tested scalable solutions for current blockchain use cases at American Express
• Technologies used: Hyperledger Fabric, Apache Kafka, Jmeter, MySQL, Node and Typescript
• Winner of 2019 National Intern Hackathon
• Winner of 2019 New York Intern Hackathon

June 2019 - August 2019

Code Coach

The Coder School

An after school program for students aged 8 - 18 to learn to code
• Taught students the fundamental concepts of Computer Science, C++, Python, Unity, HTML/CSS, Java Script, Java

August 2017 - March 2018


Dot Slash Computer Science

Ohlone College’s Computer Science club
• Led various projects including helping to teach members how to create their own portfolio
• Connected with various companies including Tesla and Twitter, and arranged private tours for the club

August 2017 - May 2018


University of California, San Diego

B.A. Economics
Minor in Computer Science

Expected graduation: June 2020

September 2018 - June 2020

Ohlone College

A.A Natural Science: Mathematics and Technology emphasis

GPA: 3.95

President of the Math Club and the Computer Science Club

August 2016 - May 2018


Programming Languages & Tools
Skills, Technologies, & Workflows
  • Hyperledger Fabric & Hyperledger Sawtooth
  • Scalable solutions
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Besides all things Blockchain, I enjoy going to the mountains to snowboard, playing table tennis and badminton, playing video games, and playing the guitar


Awards & Certifications

  • 1st Place - American Express National Intern Hackathon
  • 1st Place - American Express New York Intern Hackathon
  • 9th Place - AMATYC 2018 National Math Competition
  • All time lb for lb weight lifter - Moreau Catholic High School
  • Previous Worlds Youngest Person